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Questions and answers

How do I make a 'tar' archive of a series of files?

The commands described below need to be entered while logged in to the Unix server.   Normally you'll see a prompt ending with $ when the command interpreter (or shell) is ready for another command.

Basically you type

tar   cvf   tarfile   file1   file2   file3   file4 etc
  • c in cvf means 'Create new tar volume';
  • v in cvf means 'be Verbose'; that is 'tell me what's happening';
  • f in cvf means 'name of tar volume file follows';
  • tarfile is the name of the tar volume file the files are to go in;
  • file1 through file4 etc are the files (you can specify a directory if you wish; the entire directory would be tar'd to the tar volume).

For example:

tar cvf  project.tar  synopsis.doc  mainbody.doc  conclusion.doc

(the files synopsis.doc,  mainbody.doc and  conclusion.doc are copied to a new tar file  called project.tar)

For more information, enter the command:

info  tar


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This is question number 237, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Andy Clews on 27 July 2001 and last updated by Andy Clews on 4 August 2015