ºÚÁÏÍø ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (internal)

Overseas Fieldwork Allowance & DLT

Advice for ESRC funded students on the process and procedures for applying for Overseas Fieldwork Allowance and Difficult Language Training

Please note that within the new ESRC DTC funding structure, the funds available for difficult language training/overseas fieldwork are limited. Students should therefore only apply for – and supervisors should only support – overseas fieldwork/difficult language training if they are absolutely essential to the success of the research project. Funding for overseas fieldwork is limited to a contribution towards the extra costs incurred by students undertaking a period of fieldwork abroad, and that students on fieldwork in the UK would not normally incur.  Students can only make one application for fieldwork funding during their course.

Students must begin the process of applying for overseas fieldwork allowance at least three months prior to the start date of your proposed fieldwork trip, in order to make sure you clear the necessary procedures in your School such as approval of your research outline and ethical clearance.Fees only award holders are now also entitled to additional funding towards both difficult language training and overseas fieldwork. 

The expenses students can claim for are:

  • Difficult Language Training
  • Return flights to the country of fieldwork
  • Visa costs
  • Vaccinations
  • Interpreter/Translation costs

In addition, in exceptional cases a student may make a case for additional funding for other extra costs not listed above, when these costs are essential to the success of your research and would not normally be incurred by students on fieldwork in their home country. However, the provision of such funds is at the discretion of the Director of the DTC.

Please read the Guidance Notes for how to apply first and follow the steps listed there.

Complete form 1. Application for fieldwork form and 2. Approval of Expenses Form.

Completed Application Forms should be sent to the Research Student Administration Office.  Approval of Expenses Forms should be sent to the Doctoral School, Falmer House, esrcdt@sussex.ac.uk  tel: 01273 877376


  Fieldwork Trip



ºÚÁÏÍø ESRC Doctoral Training Centre (internal)